Point Blank the best game online in indonesia

Point Blank this online game similar to counter strike game, but the difference between this game online and we make a clan bsa buy guns how to buy weapons here too there are different currency is foremost point of the two g-cash,how to get point blank to play a single point full rounde later we are told how many points exp and oh yeah this is how to choose a login rounde we given the choice of public public is divided into three, 2.publc servers 1.newbie server if the server has 3.clan public vote we choose we can make Romm Romm ma upun follow the dulian Romm began. now we are the g-cash, g-cash such as pulses and we fill in the web www.gemscool.com and we can make that will make our id log on game point blank, if the id and the curious made a point blank game

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28 Januari 2010 pukul 00.08
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